John T. Johnson

Georgia Tech
555 14th St NW
Atlanta, Ga 30318
My doctoral research was related to the neural and behavioral effects of sensory changes on the way we understand and execute reach to grasp actions. This research is applicable to people with limb difference as well as other types of sensory loss, such as stroke or diabetic neuropathy. My research experience runs the gamut from building research equipment for human subjects research, to collecting EEG, fMRI, and motion capture data, analyzing those data, and preparing visualizations, and presenting and publishing results. My previous background in electronics, programming, and field engineering has allowed me to build research equipment for our lab and mentor and assist other grad students in developing their own research equipment. I have also developed equipment that has allowed our lab to collect rich datasets of co-registered data from disparate systems, such as EEG, motion capture, and eye tracking systems.
Having finished my PhD, I am looking for an employer for which I can apply my broad range of research, scientific, and engineering skills to help them address their most interesting and challenging problems.
selected publications
Alpha-Band Activity in Parietofrontal Cortex Predicts Future Availability of Vibrotactile Feedback in Prosthesis UseExperimental Brain Research Mar 2022
Partial-Hand Prosthesis Users Show Improved Reach-to-Grasp Behaviour Compared to Transradial Prosthesis Users with Increased Task ComplexityJournal of Motor Behavior Apr 2022
Neurorehabilitation in Adults With Traumatic Upper Extremity Amputation: A Scoping ReviewNeurorehabilitation and Neural Repair Dec 2021